Are you wishing your life away?

If you are always counting down until the next school holiday, I have been there.

I realised one day that I was literally wishing my life away in 6-7 week blocks of time. In September, I was waiting for October half term, then Christmas, then February half term, then Easter, then May half term, then summer holidays… before it started all over again.

What was even worse, I did not really enjoy the holidays because a) I was knackered b) I still had work to prepare ready for the next termly onslaught c) I was spending the holiday in a countdown of dread…. Only 2 weeks left, only 13 days left, only 12 days left…

My life was a seesaw of being wished away in blocks and a dreaded countdown. In other words, not really much of a life!

Changing the cycle created freedom.

When I stepped out of a career in education in December 2021, it took a while before this embedded pattern left my system. After so long in the system, I was fully institutionalised. And then the cycle is broken. Each day was just a day. I chose how I filled it. There was no discernible difference between a weekday or a weekend. No countdown – what would it be counting down to? No dread – I was enjoying what I did each day! No wishing my life away in blocks.

Now my son is at school, there is a termly pattern to our lives but it is not the same. It is a structure, not a restrictive presence. Why? It is simple. I still get to choose how I spend my day – when to work, what to work on, when to rest, when to play.

I have since come to appreciate that time is my most valuable commodity. How we spend it is vital. And we absolutely should not spend our time wishing our time away!

Do you need to break the cycle and reclaim your most precious time?

Let’s connect. Message me via the contact form or through social media links below.


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