This makes today very important indeed.
Yet right now, today is insignificant for many. Today is task focused. Today is about routine, doing things we expect to do focused on immediate need. Our plans for today are merely based on the routines in our life as it is now. Today, what we expect to do is a series of insignificant mundane tasks – that is the life-plan for this very important day.
This is a far cry from the ‘Golden Years’ of our past. We think back often with great fondness on days gone by, our memories are filled with ‘moments’, achievements, special people, good times. It leads some people to feel “things were better back then” or “those were the days…” These were the days when anything felt possible. Life was carefree and full of endless potential. This is what ‘youth’ feels like before the routines of responsibilities and the mundane tasks that shape the years kick in.
The future is where hopes and dreams still live. The plans that are yet to happen are not about putting the bins out and emptying the dishwasher in 20-years’ time. The future is not task focused when it goes beyond immediate future planning. It still holds the magic of what could be… the bucket list of life’s dreams to come. But on this conveyer belt of life, the future becomes TODAY.
This makes today very important indeed.
What you do today will impact your future and your past. Today is not insignificant. Today is when you can do one small but conscious thing to bring your hopes and dreams of the future a step closer to being your reality. Today is when that one small thing will be looked back on as part of the collective period known as the ‘Golden Years’.
Living in the moment is not about spending your today ticking off a habit-list, it is about making the most of today to live every moment.
Today you have a choice. You can passively watch the conveyer belt of life turn all your future days into your day today. Or you can take one moment today to do one small thing to change your future and your past.
Contact me today – and be one step closer to Live Daring Dreams