You don’t matter. Give up.

Word choices matter. The internal dialogues you tell yourself build up a belief system that either supports your growth or hampers it. Whether you build a belief or disbelief system comes down to the choices you make.

It is what is known in “coach talk” as limiting beliefs. If you tell yourself often enough that you cannot do something, that you will fail if you try, then these inner dialogues become self-fulfilling. What then? You don’t believe in yourself, so you don’t try. You don’t commit to trying, so you fail. And then you reaffirm your limiting beliefs.

Repeated often enough, you create the perfect storm. You form a habit. A habit in which you believe and reaffirm through actions that you are a failure.

You matter. Don’t give up.

Word choices matter. Habits – even significantly embedded ones – can be broken. By unpicking limiting beliefs, you can establish a new internal dialogue. You can build a belief system that supports your growth.

As your belief system grows, you have more confidence to try. The more times you try, the greater the chances of success. You will view the things that don’t work straight away as a valuable indication of making progress – you try, you learn, you tweak, you succeed.

What then? You believe more in yourself, so you try more. The more you try, the more successes you have. You form a new habit. A habit in which you believe and reaffirm through actions that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

The habit will be formed either way. The choice of which habit you form is up to you.

Which path will you take?

Discover more about how Mapleleaf Vision coaching can unlock your potential by eliminating your limiting beliefs.

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