You are responsible for the life you lead.

100% accountability.

And this includes the work you choose to do each day.

There are lots of things in life we cannot control.

We cannot control:

  • What other people think
  • Other people’s opinions about us or in general
  • Many things that happen in life

Some people will get served serious illness, others will not; some will get served poverty, others will win the lottery… this is life.

Life is made up of things we can control and things we cannot control.

What we can control:

  • Our reactions to the things that happen
  • The mindset we choose to deal with life
  • The decisions and actions we take in our life
We are 100% accountable for the life we choose to lead.

I work with people who feel lost or trapped at a career crossroads. I particularly work with teachers and school leaders.

It is okay to consider changes as life evolves. Circumstances may not be the same now, you may not be the same now… so it stands to reason that we ‘outgrow’ our jobs. Careers are not a contract for eternity. It depends on what life has served you that you were not able to control: other people, circumstances.

What if you do find yourself feelings lost or stuck in your career?

What if going to work fills you with deep-pitted dread?

What if your job makes you really unhappy?

You cannot change the circumstances (or people) who have led you to this point. This is beyond your control. You can change how you will now deal with it.

YOU are responsible for the life you lead.

This means that if you are unhappy with your life, only you are accountable because it is YOUR life. It is down to you to take the reins and steer a happier course.

No one else can control your life, no one else can lead your life for you.

It is your life.

What will you now choose to control:

  • Your reactions to the things that happen
  • The mindset you choose to deal with life
  • The decisions and actions you take in your life

You are 100% accountable for the life you choose to lead.

The big question is, are you leading the life you want to lead?

If not, what are you going to do about it?

And when will you take the reins?

If you want help getting 2025 off to the right start, I offer lots of practical support and professional insights to enable you to find the right path. I walk the path WITH you, but I don’t walk it for you.

Are you ready to live a life you’ll love?


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