Why work-life balance is not achievable in education or beyond.

The problem starts with the terminology – it’s all wrong.

Work-life balance is not some binary opposite.

This terminology sets up the concept that you can either have life or work, so the elusive balance can never truly be reached with this either / or approach.

Guess what? Life does not work like that.

You cannot put life on one side of a balancing scales and work on the other – work is an element of life; life has an element of work.

What we need to achieve is simply BALANCE.

How does this work?

For a start, ditch the work-life balance paradox. To find balance, it is about viewing things differently. You should be considering how the work that you do contributes to the life you want to lead… if your work fits into the bigger picture of your life, there is a greater chance that you will experience happiness and fulfilment.

And with that, you have balance. It is not some elusive dream – everyone can find work that is the right fit – but you need to learn how to think differently in order to discover your right path in life.

I am an experienced senior leader in education. I am an accredited leadership, life, and career coach. I am a husband. I am a father. I am an advocate of standing up against toxic environments and toxic people. I help people lost or stuck at a crossroads have the confidence to find their right path, so they can be happy and live a life they’ll love.


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