Why earning £200,000 a year is not enough.

Really. It falls completely short.

Let me explain.

Having grown up with nothing, money security matters.

For this reason, climbing the pay scale in my teaching career was as important as achieving high-quality results in my professional work. Each appraisal cycle, I set myself ambitious targets. I needed challenge. I like goals and get bored quickly when I cannot progress.

Alongside climbing the ranks – teacher, Advanced Skills Teacher, school leader, deputy head, Headteacher – I also plotted salary targets to meet the goal of a 6-figure income by retirement age.

Success is measured by wealth.

There is just one problem with this theory. It is not true. Or at least not exactly.

  • Wealth – lots of money, nice home, fast car, luxury holidays… an enviable lifestyle.
  • Wealth – home, family, friends, happiness, financial security… an enviable lifestyle.

The trouble with pursuing financial goals is that there is never a point where the target ends. With each milestone reached, the next target is set.

The trouble with pursuing career ranks is that there is never a point where the target ends. With each success, the next target is set.

It is not a target that is set. What you are setting is a trap!

Are you trapped in a career because you cannot see a way to escape?

How will you find another job that pays the salary to which you have become accustomed?

Can you really “start again” when you have already risen to a good position in your career?

Some targets come with a big price tag.

Endlessly chasing a moving target that leaves you unsatisfied and trapped in a life you no longer live in a way that makes you happy.

A life that is only enviable by others who cannot see your hurt or the price you pay daily.

But what if you were to pursue a wonderful quality of life in which your career fits perfectly into place? What would that be worth to you?

For me, it is priceless.

And earning £200,000 a year will never be enough to make me fall into the trap of mistaking the type of wealth that is truly enviable.

Do you want real career success?

Do you crave leaving the trappings behind and living a life of your dreams?

Message me to get your dream started.


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