How to stop that feeling that you’ve wasted 10 years of your life.

5 reasons and 5 ways to move on.

It could creep up on your suddenly one day – or maybe it has always been lurking behind forced smiles – a sense that your life isn’t how you imagined when you were younger.

And then it dawns on you… that sinking feeling… your life is being wasted and you could have been so much more.

Don’t worry – you still can be whatever you want. First let’s explore 5 reasons for why people feel this way.

  1. Relationships: issues in relationships (personal or professional) can quickly cause people to feel they’ve wasted precious years.
  2. Career paths: when there is a misalignment between work and life, often it leads people to feel resentment and a sense of wasted time for the input invested.
  3. Ceilings: not in your house but professionally or personally having limits placed on your potential preventing you to experience growth.
  4. Unfulfillment: you have not been able to do what you set out to do either through your own fears or factors you believed were beyond your control.
  5. Time: did you leave it too late to chase your dreams? And now all that is left are the regrets. Good news… it’s never too late!

All these barriers are things that can be conquered. You can take control, rekindle the passion to live your dreams.  Here are 5 tips to help you move forward.

  1. You are in control of the decisions you make. You can choose something different at any time – dreams have no age limit.
  2. The way to change is action. You can do something right now – make a choice that you will not let another year go by in this way.
  3. The mindset is how we view a problem. Mindset can change but it must be conscious. You choose to believe you cannot change things or you choose to try.
  4. You largely choose who you spend time with and the relationships you build. Focus on the people who support you positively, spend more time with them.
  5. Get help. It’s not an expectation that we have to do everything on our own, so use the service of others to your own benefit and then pay it forward to help others.

Why I can help.

I have been in that toxic place both personally and professionally. I know what it takes to make life-changing decisions. I have the professional expertise and experience to guide career changing from education to business – helping you find the right path so you are not just fulfilled in a job you love, it is life-changing!

Curious. Talk to me. Remember, you can stop that feeling by deciding to change your life. I can’t wait to get your message.


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