How mind-gremlins stop career-changers.

“What’s happened to him?” my 5-year-old son asked.

Situated in France this summer, I was teaching Noah some numbers in French:

un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq

“Who?” I asked.

“What happened to the cat – why did he sank?”

This is how the human mind works. Any void of information is filled with a possible disaster. It is why we fear the unknown. Our mind-gremlins quickly offer a head full of terror-inducing things that could go wrong. It fills any gap, any pause, any uncertainty. Bang – a false negative is created in our mind.

It is natural to worry about a change of career. But when the career-changer has no idea what to do next, this is when the mind-gremlins really get to work. They conjure up so many things that could go wrong, it can paralyse the job seeker from making any progress at all.

As a career coach, I understand this journey perfectly. By giving you clear steps of progress (and supporting you with the mindset needed for success), the voids are removed – the false negatives causing you to become lost or stuck disappear as you discover exactly which new career will be your perfect fit.

Finding a job is easy. Anyone at all can find a job. Finding the RIGHT job is not easy – and this is exactly what I do to help my clients. You get:

  • Expert advice and guidance
  • Knowledge of the career-change process (to keep those gremlins at bay)
  • To develop a mindset for success
  • Discover the right new path for your skills / goals
  • Practical support to prepare you for a career-change (so you can get shortlisted)
  • Technical support (so you can get the career of your dreams)
  • A great new career that is the perfect fit for the life you want to lead
  • Happiness

Why wouldn’t you want to live a life you’d love?

Curious about how career coaching could support your career-change, then message me to book a free consultation. If we are the right fit, your journey to a new career will enable you to Live Daring Dreams.


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