Teacher and School Leaders, do you need an effective and fast intervention to support your career change?

Leaving a career in education isn’t easy.

  • Guilt leaving the children behind.
  • Confusion over what you could do instead.
  • Overwhelm navigating job sites trying to understand what it all means.
  • Fear that this existence is all you can do.
  • Worry over loss of salary or starting again.
  • Feeling trapped in a role you no longer love.
  • Exhaustion from the job and the endless cycle of “what else” indecision…

And that’s before you face the new process of applying for roles outside education and the prospects of CV writing.

No, it’s not easy – but it is 100% achievable given the right tools and mindset.

I know this because I have had a career in education spanning 2 decades.

I have walked in those shoes.

I left my substantive headteacher role and forged a new path – and now help teachers and school leaders who are stuck find their right direction so they can move from feeling trapped to living a life they love.

The barriers above are limiting beliefs – if these feelings resonate with you, then the Exit Education Intervention is a short, tailor-made career coaching program that can get you on your way.

The program includes:

  • 4 x 45-minute private career coaching
  • 2 x insight assessments
  • 1 x CV review with tailored guidance
  • 1 x “next steps” action plan
  • And practical job searching tips.

Available for a limited time during the school summer holidays only.

Just 12 places on offer for this essential intervention.

Price £498 inclusive.

Everything you need to be ready to make the 2023-24 academic year your last!

For a no obligation chat to discover if this is right for you, contact here.


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