Definition of “déjà moo”:
the feeling that you’ve heard this bull before …

Teacher workload is going to get better because we’ve had the list of tasks teachers no longer need to perform.

And this time it will be different because we’re doing a teacher workload review.

It’ll definitely improve because we’re listening…

This time it will definitely improve teacher workload.

Behaviour in schools will be addressed.

Sure, we will cut down on exclusions, stop off-rolling, reduce support staff and make class sizes bigger.

And we will add more focus on attendance, creating penalties.

It will improve behaviour in schools.

Recruitment and retention will be fixed.

We will pay more for entry-level teachers but reduce pay for experienced staff, this will attract a lot more teachers to the profession.

And they will stay because behaviour is easier, and we’ve fixed workload issues.

We can’t pay as much for career progression – and centralised training won’t be provided – but you do still get to do annual safeguarding training.

Schools will get a lot more money – we’ve never invested as much on our education system. It’s why we are the best in the world.

Lots more teachers are joining the profession than those leaving – so we’ve fixed the recruitment and retention issue. School leaders are inundated with applicants for any vacant role.

We value our education professionals. Everything is improving in our schools.

It must be wonderful profession full of very happy employees.

Ooh, look a unicorn.

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No bull.

Just the belief that everyone has the potential to find their right path to happiness.


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