Are you a teacher dreaming of a career change?

Imagine waking up and that teacher-tired feeling has gone for good.

You can go out in the evenings – in the week!

The weekend is there to be enjoyed without the Sunday dread.

What difference would that make to your life?

What is this worth to you?

Did you know?

  • An average holiday maker in Britain budgets £420 pp per week?
  • But a family of 4 actually spend an average £4792 for a 2-week summer holiday abroad, plus £227 pp per week eating out and having fun during their stay?

How long does the benefits of a summer holiday last?

  • Zero – the minute you hit passport control and baggage claim, it’s like you were never away.
  • A week – until your back at work again.
  • Until the tan fades and you are sick of the British weather again.

Imagine waking up to your dream job.

Having a social life.

Time to relax and read a book.

Enjoying your life, happy.

And what if you could achieve this for less than an average 10-day all-inclusive family holiday to Europe?

And with the lifestyle benefits that extend far beyond your career for YEARS to come.

What is the better investment in yourself?

You decide.

If you want to explore making a great investment in your life that is 100% proven to bring a great new career path for Mapleleaf Vision clients, get in contact to book a free consultation.


Statistic sources: Staysure; Evolutionmoney;

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