How to move from stuck in a rut to a dream job – VIP style.

Your job is not that bad, is it?

You tell yourself, “It’s not that bad” but every day, work makes you feel utterly wretched.

You dream about changing career paths but in reality, you are stuck and lost wondering where to begin. It’s overwhelming and you feel trapped.

  • Maybe you wake up in the morning and as soon as your eyes open, you feel that heavy weight of dread at the thought of going to work.
  • Maybe you sit on the sofa in the evening after another unfulfilled day feeling guilty that you cannot laugh with your family because you feel so lost and broken.
  • Maybe you lie awake in the dark feeling trapped by your good salary and the fear of “getting it wrong” if you try starting over again.

Are you stuck at a crossroads not knowing which way to turn?

The Beyond the Crossroads bespoke coaching programme is expertly designed to guide you through a proven step by step process so you can find your right path to work you truly love.

How to find your dream job as an exclusive VIP

Mapleleaf Vision is now offering special VIP places in January 2023 to start the New Year ready for success… so if you want to find your dream job as an exclusive VIP and leave behind being stuck and trapped in a job you hate in style, you are in the right place.

This bespoke VIP package includes:

🍁 A 90-minute VIP in-person or virtual ‘pre-journey’ session (to clear away your doubts and concerns – you know those “why haven’t I figured out what I want to do yet?” types of thinking – so you are ready for your coaching journey.

🍁 Full access to the “Beyond the Crossroads” programme, including a choice of 10 or 12 x 50-minute private coaching sessions to guide you through a 4-step proven process that delivers tangible results tailored to your specific career goals.

🍁 Unlimited email support with Will.

🍁 VIP scheduling, so you can get the support you need exactly when you need it.

🍁 BONUS VIP review of your CV with feedback on how to grab the attention of those prospective employers, helping you get one step closer to your dream job!

🍁 BONUS VIP touch-base support for up to 3 months after your coaching programme has finished, so you can keep on progressing with any additional guidance you need.

🍁 VIP discount, 25% off the ‘Destination Dreams’ follow-on programme available only to those who have successfully completed ‘Beyond the Crossroads’.

🍁 Exclusively limited to only 2 VIP bespoke packages available per month, ensuring you get lots of personal attention and support as a VIP client.

Mapleleaf Vision career coaching VIP bespoke package.
Mapleleaf Vision career coaching VIP bespoke package.

How to claim your special VIP invitation

To ensure you do not miss out, book a discovery call here without delay.

When the 2 VIP invitations are claimed, they are gone!


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