Why a career change can leave you frozen in time.

Ever wondered why you are still stuck trying to leave a career that makes you miserable?

My 4-year-old son gave me the perfect illustration.

He woke up cold in bed and dramatically acted out how he was shivering.

“Daddy, I’m cold. I’m all shivering.”

“You’ll be warm in a minute once we get your clothes on.”

“Daddy, you need a hammer… chip… chip off the ice!”

As adults, we are amused by the melodramatic perception because logically, Noah was not cold enough to be encased in ice and in need of careful extraction with an ice hammer.

But the lesson is there.

Limiting beliefs prevent change.

You are stuck frozen in time with your career change because in your head you are dreaming up melodramatic perceptions of all the things that will go wrong.

Logically, you know that you cannot stay in a career that makes you miserable.

You even know that plenty of other people successfully change careers –

And they are happier.

It is called limiting beliefs.

Until you chip away at your limiting beliefs, you will remain frozen in time and stuck in your same career situation.

With a range of coaching packages to suit your needs, I can help you melt away your limiting beliefs so you can find the right path in a new career and have the courage to live a life you’ll love.

Contact me to get your life moving again.


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